Saturday, November 2, 2013

Selling Scentsy at a Demo is Easy!

When Scentsy launched in Australia on the 2nd of September 2013 there were a lot of us who had been waiting for years for the opportunity to sell Scentsy!  There were also a lot of new girls who'd never done any direct selling or party plan before.  Some of the girls have found it daunting to openly ask for parties or to tell others about the Scentsy opportunity but others of us have found it so EASY.  I've been involved in direct selling on and off for the best part of 25 years.  I've sold everything from beauty products, childrens clothing, ladies clothing, books, shoes, toys, aromatherapy, candles and cooking appliances and I can honestly say that NOTHING has ever been easier to sell than Scentsy and I am so glad that they finally launched in Australia. Anyhow, I'm getting off topic, because the reason I wanted to write this post was to break down some of the preconceptions that many people have about running a demonstration and give my reasons why.  I feel that the best way is to allow people to expand on the very basic demo to incorporate their own personality but to also point out how very simple it can be and still work.

The Basic Demo

This is me, this is what I do and how I run a party.  I don't do games.  I don't do ice-breakers.  These are the reasons why.

I don't like them myself when I go to a party like this.  I feel uncomfortable having to say fun/silly things or being put on the spot in front of strangers.  If I know EVERYONE at the demo it would be a different matter but I've often been to a demonstration and been the one person who doesn't know anyone but the hostess and I've squirmed my way through party games.  They also prolong the process and in this day and age, people are busy and may have to rush off and pick up little Billy from Soccer or bake a cake for the in-laws who are coming to tea.  That's why I like to keep it really brief and let the product speak for itself.

I like to get there half an hour before the guests are due to arrive.  That way the warmer will be working it's magic the minute the guests arrive.  I set it all up and only usually have two or three warmers in total.  That way it's not too much to carry and you can get in from the car in one load! (something that turned me off other party plans were repeated trips in and out to the car).

Once I've set up, I can relax a little and chat with the early arrivals and the hostess and let them see that I'm relaxed in my approach and not going to be a pushy saleswoman.

Once everyone has arrived (I don't mind waiting ten or 15 minutes but that's all) I'll start the demo.

I'm going to give you an example below.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jo and I'm a Director with Scentsy here in Australia and I'm so thrilled to be able to introduce you to this gorgeous product.  I'd like to take this opportunity to thank "Jane" for having me here and giving me this opportunity to share the Scentsy experience with you all today. (this is where I might give "Jane" a little gift if I'm going to do that - more on that in another post).

"Scentsy has been around for almost 10 years and is very successful in the USA and Canada and has now branched out into the UK, Europe and Australia.  Scentsy is a household name in the USA and outsells many of the most well known brands that we all know very well"

"One of the things that first drew me to the Scentsy Opportunity was the safety aspect.  No naked flame, no smoke, no soot, no lead and no toxins in the air.  You can go out and leave it on and not have to worry about leaving it on - you could even go away for the weekend and leave it on with the added benefit to coming home to a beautifully scented house!"

"Our warmers heat the wax bars to just above body temperature which means that they are safe to have around babies and small children as well as any inquisitive pets.  Even if they pulled over the warmer and spilled it on themselves, they won't be hurt.  The worst that can happen is a little fright.  (sometimes I'll dip my finger in to show them, or encourage the hostess to do so).  I FOCUS ON THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE A LIFETIME WARRANTY AGAINST MANUFACTURERS DEFECT AND THE GLOBE NEVER NEEDS REPLACING"

At this point I tell them about the different warmers - the element (no light, small spaces) the gallery (different frames), the silhouette (different wraps) and also about those that are glazed and those that are unglazed (glazed are not translucent but unglazed are).  SHARE YOUR PASSION!!  If you LOVE Whoot, tell them you love Whoot - tell them why you love Tilia or which silhouette wrap you love and why!

This is also where they'll often ask whether they can use their 'oil burners' they have at home and where we take the opportunity to explain that they are too hot, that the wax may split or spit, that the perfume load in our wax is high and made for a slow release and that the heat of the candle will mean that the perfume is evaporated much quicker and that the Scentsy Warmer and Bars are a complete fragrance system and designed to work together... I add that other melts may not work in our warmers as they aren't warm enough for their lower scent loads nor is it warm enough to release the beneficial fragrance of an essential oil and also that THE WARRANTY IS VOIDED IF ANYTHING OTHER THAN SCENTSY WAX IS USED IN OUR WARMERS.  This is where I then go on to our wax.

"Scentsy bars are the premium wax melts on the market.  Not only is their fragrance amazing but they are incredibly long lasting.  I have had single blocks (I hold up a bar and explain that there are 8 blocks in a bar and that you only need one block at a time and that they are only $7.75 a BAR)... a single block last me for more than 5 days.  I've heard of many others who have had the same little block in their warmer for more than 2 weeks.  It depends entirely on the fragrance however as there are far more subtle scents that may only last 2 or 3 days. I like to say the average is 3 - 5 days per block and if you add that up it's a LOT of hours of divine fragrance for under $8.  ( I then go on to tell them how they can pour the wax back into the container if they want to change scents and re-use it later - and I also explain to them how easy it is to peel the used wax out.  I also explain about the fact that it's foodgrade, non toxic - because it WARMS at such a low temperature, and that it's what they use to coat apples, the inside of milk cartons and take-away coffee cups with.)

I then very briefly cover buddies and scent paks... passing the buddy around for them to smell, and explain other uses for Scent Paks - hanging in wardrobes and broom closets, under the car seat, in your suitcase for holidays, in the gym bag, in school lockers, in a caravan which is locked up most of the year, etc.,  And Scent circles and how long they are likely to last... I give examples from what I've learned... I had a coconut lemongrass circle that lasted 2 whole months!  Some scents such as Honeymoon Hideaway are far more subtle and if it's summer it may only last a week or so, but lovely if you were going on holiday and wanted the special aroma to remind you of a particular place.  (I ALWAYS TELL THE HONEST TRUTH - AUTHENTICITY IS KEY).  I then go on to briefly describe the layers products for personal and laundry use and only elaborate from my own experience or from what I've heard from friends or family.

After I've introduced all of the products I say very simply "I absolutely love my job, I love these products and the amazing opportunity that this Scentsy business has given to me and I can't wait for July 2014 as I'll be going on an all expenses paid trip to the USA with Scentsy - it's just so easy to sell and I'm so grateful to have this ground floor opportunity!  Scentsy is so incredibly popular here in Australia and I'm wanting to find more people to join my team here in (Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo, Hamilton, etc.) Victoria and if they know of anyone that might be interested to please let me know. (I've only done ONE demo so far where I haven't got a recruit or a potential recruit and that was with two other party plans and only three guests)!!

That's generally where I say that it's OVER TO THEM, let their noses do the shopping... I explain that it's better to smell their inner forearm or even the palm of their hand to clear their senses than coffee beans.  I sit close, but not right on top of the display... I offer guidance if someone is reticent or seems to like or dislike particular scents... (in my mind I am making a fragrance profile of every person at the demo - it's really easy and once you get to really know the scents yourself you can pretty much choose what they'll like every time - 9 times out of 10 they'll purchase the ones I suggest too).  This is  where I often explain the combine and save packs - when people are choosing, or having trouble choosing...

Anyhow, all up the actual part where you do the talking should be no more than 5 or 10 minutes and the rest of the time I let them shop for themselves.  I try to keep it casual and friendly and encourage laughter...   If someone says 'oh I should put a warmer in the bedroom to hide the smell of my husbands farts' later when I'm showing the scent paks I'll suggest one for her husband's back pocket or something silly... they all laugh!

Most importantly BE YOURSELF, be exuberant, be chatty, be approachable - know your product... and SHARE THE SCENTSY LOVE  oh and if you know anyone who might be interested in joining my team direct them HERE <3

Monday, October 7, 2013

Scentsy has arrived in Australia!

What is Scentsy?

Scentsy is a direct selling company that offers fragrances for your home, personal care, and every day life through a variety of quality products.  Offering the unique opportunity for you to set your own hours and build your own business through home parties, events and shows, and fundraisers, Scentsy offers authentic products that you will be proud to represent.

Scentsy's mission statement is - "To bring value to the world by providing an industry-leading, family-friendly business opportunity selling creative, artistic, high-quality products that Warm the Heart, Enliven the Senses, and Inspire the Soul."

On the 2nd of September Scentsy launched in Australia.  Have you ever wanted to work from home? Are you looking for some extra income? Wanting to meet more people and bring about a change in your life?  I invite you to look into Scentsy and promise that you won't be sorry!

Scentsy Australia Starter Kit (only $139 GST Inclusive + $13p&h)
Your Starter Kit includes everything you need to launch your Scentsy business: catalogues, brochures, demonstration products, and a full set of scent testers.

So you want to sell Scentsy?

Are you ready for a career change?  Are you ready to take charge and choose the hours and your level commitment and realise your dreams?  When you join Scentsy, you have the opportunity to shape your future, determine your income level, and share products you believe in.

Here are just a few benefits of becoming a Scentsy Australia Consultant:

Flexible Hours

With Scentsy, you set your own schedule.  Work as little or as much as you want, and when you want, so you can spend life's important moments with family and friends.

Great Income and Fabulous Incentives

You will start off on a 20% but as soon as you've sold your first $1000 in personal retail volume you will jump to 25% percent commission on your own sales AND receive bonuses as you build your team, plus awards and incentives for sales and sponsoring achievements.  The easy-to-understand compensation plan helps you to determine your monthly income at a glance.

Simple to Join

When you join Scentsy, you will receive a Starter Kit with everything you need to hold your first party and launch your business.  There is no need to pre-purchase inventory; Scentsy ships orders directly to you, your party Hosts, and your customers.  Qualifying party orders of $220 or more earn free shipping.  If a customer lives in another State or at a distance they can have their order shipped direct to them.

Be Part of a Team

When you join Scentsy, you join a family.  As your Sponsor, I am available to answer questions and to guide you along, every step of the way.  Our team members support each other by sharing sales suggestions, party ideas, and more.  Scentsy also host regular training calls and several live events each year to keep you up-to-date on the newest product lines and help you build your support network.

Are their any requirements to become a Scentsy representative?

Yes, as a Scentsy Consultant, you will be required to sell a minimum of 150 personal retail volume every three months, but that's it (and that's so simple)!

So what do I get to enable me to be a Scentsy Consultant?

Each Scentsy Consultant will receive a Scentsy Australia Starter Kit that will contain business materials, marketing materials, and products so you can successfully launch your business.  Each Scentsy Consultant will also receive a free website for three months which you can then maintain at a low cost to continue to build your business.

Are there Scentsy Catalogues?

Yes!  There are beautiful full colour catalogues that are released twice a year - one for Fall/Winter and one for Spring/Summer.  You get catalogues in your starter kit and you can also purchase extras at the Scentsy Family Store at any time.  All items and their details are available to view and purchase via our website - see mine here.

How Much Will I Earn?

The amount you can earn depends completely on how much time and energy you want to invest. Consultants make upwards of 20% percent commission on their own sales as well as additional bonuses on the sales of other Consultants they sponsor. Some of our Consultants opt to sell just enough for a little extra pocket money, while our Super Star Directors can make six-figure incomes per year.

Take a look at the below graph to give you a better idea of the compensation plan.

What other benefits does Scentsy offer to Consultants?

Every Scentsy Consultant gets a free website for three full months (and $13/month after that), a free online Workstation to organize and run their business, no inventory to manage, no credit card fees, and free shipping on qualified orders.  In other words a proportion of your sales will be online, which means you can sell without handling money or goods and still make commission.

I’m not really a salesperson. Can I still be good at this?

At Scentsy, it’s all about relationships, not hard sell tactics. If you enjoy socializing and sharing Scentsy Australia products with friends and family, you have all the qualifications you need to succeed.
In fact, the complete lack of sales pressure and the simplicity of our products are the main reasons so many Scentsy customers decide to become Consultants. They find themselves enjoying a party experience instead of having to sit through a typical sales presentation and suddenly realize, “Hey — I can do this!”

What are the advantages of direct selling?

The freedom of being your own boss, the flexibility to set your own schedule and work as many (or as few) hours as you choose, and the limitless potential for success are just a few of the reasons people take up direct selling. And anyone can do it! You don’t need a degree or a background in sales or a big chunk of start-up capital. Direct selling is an easy, enjoyable way to earn extra income.

Why should I join Scentsy instead of another direct selling company?

As a Scentsy Consultant, you'll have the opportunity to enrich lives through amazing fragrance. And as part of the Scentsy Family, you'll also have the option of enrolling in other Scentsy brands, such as Grace Adele, all while building one team to support your efforts.  As a Scentsy Australia Consultant you can build your team in any region Scentsy operates in.  You can even build an international team as you sponsor consultants from Canada, the United States, Mexico, Poland, Ireland, Spain, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Scentsy is an active member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), an industry organization founded to promote and uphold the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers. Our affiliation with the DSA means you can be confident about doing business with a trustworthy company.

What kind of support and training does Scentsy provide?

At Scentsy, Consultants are truly sponsored and mentored, not just recruited. Along with support from your Sponsor and your upline Director (your Sponsor’s Sponsor), you’ll get access to web-based training tools and an online forum for connecting with fellow Consultants. In addition, you will receive a Scentsy Family Consultant Guide, promotional products, and marketing tools in your Scentsy Australia Starter Kit.  Scentsy’s fully-staffed Consultant Support Department is available every weekday. We also hold an annual Scentsy Family Reunion and seasonal training and networking events.

Are there any scripts to memorize or a dress code for parties?

Definitely not! We do provide great training tools and advice on how to have a successful party, but the way you run your parties — and your business — is entirely up to you. From formal presentations to completely unstructured gatherings to one-on-one visits, the choice is yours. We intentionally keep our product line and pricing simple because that makes it easy for our Consultants to relax and be themselves.

OK! So I want to join up, how do I do it?

To join Scentsy you can visit my site to learn more or contact me to request additional information.  Feel free to connect with me on facebook too!

Join Scentsy Australia in New South Wales

  • Sydney
  • Albury
  • Armidale
  • Bathurst
  • Broken Hill
  • Cessnock
  • Coffs Harbour
  • Dubbo
  • Gosford
  • Goulburn
  • Grafton
  • Griffith
  • Lake Macquarie
  • Lismore
  • Maitland
  • Newcastle
  • Nowra
  • Orange
  • Port Macquarie
  • Queanbeyan
  • Tamworth
  • Tweed Heads
  • Wagga Wagga
  • Wollongong
  • Wyong

Join Scentsy Fragrance Australia in Northern Territory
  • Darwin
  • Alice Springs
  • Katherine
  • Palmerston

Join Scentsy Fragrance Australia in Queensland

  • Brisbane
  • Bundaberg
  • Caloundra
  • Cairns
  • Charters Towers
  • Gladstone
  • Gold Coast
  • Gympie
  • Hervey Bay
  • Ipswich
  • Logan City
  • Mackay
  • Maroochydore
  • Maryborough
  • Mount Isa
  • Nambour
  • Noosa
  • Redcliffe
  • Rockhampton
  • Sunshine Coast
  • Thuringowa
  • Toowoomba
  • Townsville

Join Scentsy Fragrance South Australia

  • Adelaide
  • Bordertown
  • Gladstone
  • Gawler
  • Goolwa
  • Mount Gambier
  • Murray Bridge
  • Port Augusta
  • Port Pirie
  • Port Lincoln
  • Robe
  • Victor Harbor
  • Whyalla

Join Scentsy FragranceTasmania

  • Hobart
  • Burnie
  • Clarence
  • Deloraine
  • Devonport
  • Glenorchy
  • Launceston

Join Scentsy Fragrance Victoria

  • Melbourne
  • Benalla
  • Bairnsdale
  • Ballarat
  • Colac
  • Bendigo
  • Echuca
  • Geelong
  • Hamilton
  • Horsham
  • Latrobe Valley
  • Mildura
  • Portland
  • Shepparton
  • Swan Hill
  • Wangaratta
  • Warrnambool
  • Wodonga
  • Wonthaggi

Join Scentsy Fragrance Western Australia

  • Perth
  • Albany
  • Broome
  • Bunbury
  • Geraldton
  • Fremantle
  • Kalgoorlie
  • Mandurah
  • Margaret River
  • Port Hedland

  • Canberra
  • Tuggeranong
  • Bruce
  • Ainslie
  • Woden
  • Belconnen
  • Weston Creek
  • Gungahlin
  • Jerrabomberra